365亚洲版学院培养学生批判性和创造性地参与世界, live and work honorably, and experience life abundantly.
Randolph College is a nationally recognized, private, coeducational, 位于林奇堡的文科和理科学院, Virginia. 365亚洲版以其优秀的学术课程而闻名, diverse close-knit community, exceptional faculty, rich traditions, and growing NCAA Division III athletics program.
365亚洲版一直被领先的国家指南认可为高质量的文科院校. The Princeton Review listed Randolph in The Best 388 Colleges 2023 Edition, 在“最平易近人的教授”前20名中,我们的教师排名第12位,并将学院列为31名“绿色荣誉榜”之一 .”
365亚洲版被评为全国“最好和最有趣”的机构之一,享有盛誉 Fiske Guide to Colleges 并出现在其他几个榜单上:“社会流动性最佳表现者”(U.S. News & World Report)、“酷学校”(塞拉俱乐部)、“最快乐、最成功校友100所大学”(Forbes), and Money magazine’s list of best colleges. 了解更多365亚洲版如何365亚洲版堆栈-浏览最近排名的完整列表..
The College’s rich academic program 为学生提供40个专业和48个辅修课程. 学院还提供受欢迎的工程专业预科课程, nursing, law, medicine, and veterinary studies. The teacher licensure program is enhanced by two 教育研究生学位课程-教育硕士和教学艺术硕士. A Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, 这是弗吉尼亚州唯一的此类低住院率项目,于2018年夏季迎来了第一批学生. The College introduced a Master of Arts in Coaching and Sport Leadership in 2020 and a low-residency Master of Fine Arts in Theatre in 2023.
Randolph’s innovative TAKE2 curricular model is specifically 专为当今学生的学习和生活方式而设计. 通过让学生一次专注于更少的课程, TAKE2提高了学习效果,并在课堂内外提供了更多的机会.
Randolph’s Center for Student Research 为学生提供参与原创和创新研究和奖学金的机会. The Center for Ancient Drama 提供了一个独特的学生体验相关的生产 Greek Play.
In addition, Randolph’s competitive and funded Summer Research Program 允许学生花八周的时间与教师合作. 该计划包括校园内所有学科,并为学生提供在专业会议上展示研究det365亚洲版和/或在专业期刊上发表研究det365亚洲版的机会.
除了建立一个受人尊敬的学生管理 Honor System 它渗透到365亚洲版的各个方面,365亚洲版学院是18个学术机构的所在地 honor societies, 包括全国最古老的Phi Beta Kappa分会之一,也是弗吉尼亚州获得的第五个特许状.
With more than 33 student clubs and organizations, 365亚洲版学院为参与和领导提供了充足的机会. 学生领导是365亚洲版不可分割的一部分, 学生们早在第一年就有机会担任领导职务.
The competitive Davenport Leadership Program 为学生提供了一个学习和建立长期以来与领导者相关的属性的机会:自我意识, communication, critical thinking, self-confidence, initiative, motivation, conflict management, goal setting, teamwork, and problem solving.
该项目帮助学生了解他们的学术工作之间的联系, social and co-curricular choices, and their participation in community service.
玩家可以与来自全国各地的大学玩家竞争 esports team.
Whether it is serving as a student-docent at the Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College, performing in the many theatre, dance or music programs, serving in Student Government, working in the College’s student-run Organic Garden, 或者参加校园里的其他俱乐部, 学生们能够在课堂之外追求自己的激情.
The College also offers 20 NCAA Division III athletic teams. 两项新运动,女子特技和男子排球,将在2024-25学年加入野猫队. 学院的体育设施包括最近翻新的 Michels Athletic Center (The MAC), home to the basketball court, a six-lane swimming indoor swimming pool, and athletics training facilities; the WildCat Stadium field and track facility; tennis courts; and a softball complex.
365亚洲版的毕业生进入职场或读研 prepared to succeed. 校友们在包括法律在内的各个领域都取得了成功, medicine, journalism, education, engineering, and science, 在全国所有学院和大学中,学院的毕业生继续获得博士学位的比例排名前15%.
365亚洲版的毕业生被顶尖的研究生和专业项目录取. Examples include Stanford, Cornell, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, Oxford University (UK), Medical University of South Carolina, 以及波士顿大学和乔治华盛顿大学的法律项目.
Located in the heart of Virginia, 365亚洲版风景如画的100英亩校园位于历史悠久的, 林奇堡的住宅区以最好的传统砖建筑和道路以及令人兴奋的设施为特色,如野猫体育场和新装修的学生中心. 校园的一个更独特的方面是梅布尔K. Whiteside Greek Theatre. Situated in “The Dell,“希腊剧院的建立是为了给古典文学专业的学生提供机会,让他们在模仿古希腊剧院的现实环境中创作古代戏剧. In addition to these productions, 戴尔是包括毕业典礼在内的许多活动的举办地.
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365亚洲版的位置在不断发展的城市林奇堡提供了近距离的购物, entertainment, and recreational and cultural opportunities. 学院距离包括华盛顿特区在内的主要城市很近.C., Richmond, 和弗吉尼亚海滩,公共交通便利, including an Amtrak station and a regional airport.